New “Girl Breaks” Live Video

Here’s a recorded live version of our song Girl Breaks that was released in our debut album Slow Jam 20 years ago. Shing’s drum track was recorded with a Zoom H4N at Zuk Studio in Mong Kok. Yim’s used Rickenbacker 330 and Squier Contemporary Active 5 Stings Jazz Bass on the guitar and bass tracks through Apogee Duet interface into his 2010 iMac. Ghost Style recorded his vocal track with Apogee One. Our separate tracks were mixed through Garageband, then put into the Videoleap app on an iPad Pro to further mix with the videos. If you like this song, […]

Live at Lost Stars

Thanks to everyone that came to the show on Feb 21, 2020 at Lost Stars Livehouse Bar and Eatery. Also thanks to Lost Stars for inviting us to play and hosting the event. We played these original songs that night: Pocket Change Hot city roller Sunshine Baby Doll Natural Let’s get it on Rocket Something to No One Superheroes It’s alright Soul on the beat Shots For your information, Lost Stars has released a mobile app that allows you to check latest performance schedules and make reservation online. You can now download the app from Apple’s AppStore and Google Play. […]

Thank you lmfxxyearfest !!!

Great show and vibes. Nice way to begin in 2020!!! s/o and thank you to our guests Miss Janni Arunsudhaman for joining in the performance. Here are the pictures taken by V’Z Twinkle Photography:

20 年來 LMF 精神不變

#Repost @lmfxxyearfest with @get_repost ・・・ 20 年來 LMF 精神不變,同樣 20 年來社會風氣也沒啥進步。 獅子山下無新事?就由今年《大懶堂二十祭》開始,揭開新的一章! · 繼10 位地道 Rappers 注入新元素作品 W.T.F.H.K.,10 隊香港樂隊將分別重塑 LMF 作品,每月推出,換個聲音不換靈魂,繼續邊走邊唱。 · 《大懶堂二十祭》Documentary,由 Doughboy 率領 Bakerie 主理,走訪所有《大懶堂二十祭》參與單位,盡錄最齊全「說話背後的說話」,從音樂以外了解 LMF。 · 2019年12月28、29日 《LMFXXYEARFEST LIVE @Star Hall》 LMF 領軍,聯同以上 20 個表演單位,帶來最人多勢眾的 LMF XX Year Fest! #大懶堂二十祭 #lmfxxyearfest #lmfxxyear


一場跨界別的創意音樂會,由兩個充滿歷史文化的英倫品牌Dr.Martens與MINI聯手呈獻,以音樂、時裝、汽車、時尚理念出發,貫徹力求創新及支持本地藝術創作的精神,請來3隊不同風格的本地樂團One Promise、Site Access及新青年理髮廳,演繹「Rebel Music Gig」獨家音樂會,為時尚樂迷帶來一場跨創作的音樂體驗。 日期:5月2日 (星期四) | 時間:晚上7時 | 地點:MINI POP-UP GALLERY 灣仔告士打道56號 表演單位: Site Access, 新青年理髮廳, One Promise #rebelmusicgig #drmartenshk #MINI #MINIHK #DrMartensHongKongMINI


We were pleased to be featured in RTHK’s《硬地音樂2018》program.  Check it out: 【彈丸之地隱藏多種曲風】 過去咁多集《硬地音樂》介紹過唔同indie music,真係香港地小小地方,有咁多種音樂風格俾樂迷揀! 今晚要介紹6人組合Site Access,佢哋主要玩Alternative Groove Funk 音樂,話想帶俾社會多一啲正能量。今日全日都天雨濛濛咁,真係好需要聽返啲開心音樂!

Farewell to Indie Sharon

Shout-out to our friend Sharon ! Wish u all the best in your new adventures and thanks for letting us have the honour to play at your bandshows! Thanks for your continuous support in the 20 years! Wish you having a happy new life in the States. See you soon when you’re back!